The Free Beverage and Nuts
What is it about flying that delights us so? Is it hurdling through the air at 1000 mph? Is it the bathrooms that no normal sized person can fit in to? How about the seats that never seem to recline enough to actually be comfortable? Honestly, my favorite part of the flight is the complimentary beverage and snack. I get giddy when I hear the metal cart banging into seats and unsuspecting passenger’s legs. In my mind the flight attendants are saying, “ Robierto, and all the rest of you little people , you are being such good fliers and behaving so well…we are goin’ sneak ya’ll a little treat. Don’t tell the Captain .” I turn into a five year old inside and actually have to talk myself down so my heart rate doesn't spike, “ Robierto, be cool. Be cool. It’s free food I know, but let’s be cool .” So I start flipping through the in-flight magazine, trying to find what my options are for my free beverage and snack. But some idiot has ripped out the pages,a...