
Showing posts from December, 2009

The Year End

Here are some cool things that I learned in 2009: Doing an Olympic Triathlon without training is not as fun as you might imagine. Doing a 5K dressed as Santa is…priceless. Reading “Percy Jackson” “The Hunger Games” and “The Road” have brought back my love for reading. I find young adult fiction is just about my speed now days. I found that performing in “Savior of the World” as the angel Gabriel at the Conference Center is the best way to spend the holidays. Taking voice lessons by a qualified teacher instead of trying to learn from Lady Gaga music videos makes a huge difference. Buying my clothes at Wal-mart instead of Eddie Bauer has taken some getting used to but I have found the difference is negligible. Exploited children in China make a pretty good shirt and pant combo. Movies like “Up” “Star Trek” and “The Proposal” make me happy to pay $8.00 for a movie ticket. Movies like “Transformers 2”, “GI Joe”, and “Wolverine”…not so much. I found that living alone can be…ya know…lone...

The Nice Guy

So I am really sensitive about others feelings, maybe to a fault. Yesterday, I went to give blood. It’s true. I don’t really love the pain but I do love the treats they give you after. Usually I fain dizziness and they let me stay there for like two hours where I proceed to eat my weight in chips, candy, and V8 Juice. So I was lying there ready for that two inch needle to suckle at my ample vein, when my phlebotomist, Trish, came over and discussed what was going to happen. With my super power of over sensitivity, I deduced that Trish was very nervous and perhaps this might be the first time that she has ever drawn blood from an actual human being. So being the nice person that I am, I thought I would " kill her with kindness " and make this a glorious experience for her to calm her nerves and make her feel like a superstar. So she stuck the needle in my arm, and friends, oh the pain. She might as well have been pouring lemon juice into a paper cut with the burning ...

The Christmas Minimalist

When it comes to Christmas I have always been a minimalist. I don't put up a tree, I don't hang up lights, and I hate shopping. But I must confess that I love Christmas and the feeling of it. I love watching old out dated Christmas cartoons on TV. My favorite is " How the Grinch Stole Christmas ". I love the message of it, that Christmas doesn't come from a store, perhaps thought the Grinch, perhaps Christmas means a little bit more. So true. In church on Sunday we had our Christmas program, and mid- Silent Night I was so touched with the words " All is calm all is bright " that I started " ugly crying " in front of the whole congregation. But I didn't feel too bad because my fellow bass started " gasping crying " so I was in good company. It seems that our neighborhood has had more than it's fair share of troubles this year, but the message of Silent Night, that because of our Savior and his atonement, that really all can b...

The Osmond Family Christmas

Do you ever forget how much you like a certain album? And then one day you are looking through your CD’s and you rediscover it and you listen to it over and over again? Would you like to know what Christmas Album I recently pulled out and have quite enjoyed for the last two days? The Osmond Family Christmas. Friends if you don’t own this album you need to find it today, because it will change your life. Seriously why are you still reading this and not running to your car to track it down? My parents raised us on the classics, mainly, The Sound of Music, Hank Williams, Frankie Lane, Anne Murray, and Barbra Streisand. I think those really where the only albums we owned and I think we melted them from overuse. But when Christmas rolled around it was the Osmond Family that kept us going through the holiday season. Now traditionally I am not a huge fan of the Osmonds, but man, they put out a kickin’ Christmas album. And all of them are on there, from Donny and Marie to good little ...