Book Trailer Debut
So friends, I very reluctantly post this video, not to show you how great I am ( although I am quit fantastic ), but to confess something that I may regret in the future. One of my readers found this on YouTube and so I feel a need to come clean with a confession of sorts. When I moved to SL to start my acting career I was discovered at the Gap, where I would often go to look at the pima wool sweaters that I could never afford, but loved to try on. Well one day, whast I was eating a Hotdog on a Stick and dreaming of owning my very own pima wool sweater, a young women approached me and said I had a face that could be very succesful in the world of book trailers. That's right book trailers. It's like a move trailer, only with books. I knew that book trailer studios system was not the most glamorous industry and had a reputation for being loose and tawdry. But I was naive and hungry, and most of all I really needed a pima wool sweater from the Gap. So I decided to do it. Now t...