The Anonymous Text
Do you ever get a text message that says, “Hey, we are
having a party and we want you to come over.”
They are not one of your contacts, and they didn't attach their name to the text. So who in
the world is this person?
The sad thing is that I really want to attend a party, but I
don’t want to text them back and say, “Um...Who is this?” Because I kind of feel like I should know who they are, even though I really don't.
But this person obviously thinks we are friends, and that we
are good enough friends that I would have them as one of my contacts. I fear by
asking them who they are might hurt their feelings and may cause a retraction
of an invite to their super fun party.
So instead of doing something, I do nothing.
Problem solved?
Pretend you're someone who stole the phone, then say...
Hey, this is Larry, I stole this phone, who is this?
Problem solved.
Fo' Sho'
It's comforting, really, that someone I don't know loves me.