The Year End
Here are some cool things that I learned in 2009: Doing an Olympic Triathlon without training is not as fun as you might imagine. Doing a 5K dressed as Santa is…priceless. Reading “Percy Jackson” “The Hunger Games” and “The Road” have brought back my love for reading. I find young adult fiction is just about my speed now days. I found that performing in “Savior of the World” as the angel Gabriel at the Conference Center is the best way to spend the holidays. Taking voice lessons by a qualified teacher instead of trying to learn from Lady Gaga music videos makes a huge difference. Buying my clothes at Wal-mart instead of Eddie Bauer has taken some getting used to but I have found the difference is negligible. Exploited children in China make a pretty good shirt and pant combo. Movies like “Up” “Star Trek” and “The Proposal” make me happy to pay $8.00 for a movie ticket. Movies like “Transformers 2”, “GI Joe”, and “Wolverine”…not so much. I found that living alone can be…ya know…lone...